About Me

I am an Applied Research Scientist in Meta Reality Labs. I receviced my Ph.D. degree at Penn State, working with Dr. Sharon Huang and Dr. Zihan Zhou. Before joining Penn State, I worked with Dr. Bin Wu and received my Master’s degree in Instrument Science and Technology and Bachelor’s degree in Measuring and Control Technology and Instrumentations from Tianjin University in 2017 and 2014, respectively.

My research interest lies in computer vision, deep learning, and 3D metrology. Most of my recent works focus on integrating geometry priors into deep neural networks for 3D vision tasks. Please refer to my CV for more details.

Recent News

  • 08/2022: Invited to serve as a PC member for AAAI’23
  • 06/2022: Joined Meta Reality Lab! Let’s go for Metaverse!
  • 05/2022: Officially became Dr. Fengting Yang!
  • 03/2022: Two papers were accepted to CVPR’22.
  • 02/2022: Passed my final Ph.D. defense!